Hi guys, I am a free player and need help from veterans or good card builders to help me create a good team against LAW.
Below are the list of cards I have that will be useful in creating some team builds.
Sleepy Hades 0*
Fire Elements:
- Dancing Sally
- Vamp
- Ishikore-Dome
- Vermillion Victoria
Water elements:
- True Daisy
- Summer Snow
- Oracle Ascendant
- Cleopatra
Light Elements:
- Skoll The Hunter
- Cheerful Pixie
- Hrungnir
- Goddess Cynthia
- Hyper Alchemist
- Summer Oracle
- Huang Long
Dark Elements:
- Captain Saurva
- Atalanta
- Speedster
- Lirissa
- Yuki Onna
- Joker
- Omoikane
- Metatron
- Rapier Princess
- Sweet Fortuna
- Sundered Spirit
- Moloch
- Fairy Princess
- Nina
- True Tome Mia
- Lilith
- Goth Oracle
- Yggdrassil
- Coral
- Wind Chime
- Prometheus
Well I only have 2 Maiden UR on standby.