Valkyrie Crusade Wiki

Jade Dragon[]

Rank 25
Members 29/30

Jade Dragon has been around since May 2013, and I joined as a member some time in 2014. In its heyday, the chat was buzzing with activity, we did well in alliance battles, and there was always someone online to assist with defeating archwitches.

As time went on, people came and went, and many of our members have not been active in years. Eventually the leadership of the alliance was passed to me, who was the "most active" member, although I wasn't really playing as much as I used to due to being busy with IRL committments.

Nowadays, I still play casually during the train ride to and from work, logging in every other day, and I've somehow roped my partner into occasionally playing too. Other than the two of us, I think we have one or two other members who still log in and play.

So why join Jade Dragon?

There are plenty of alliances out there who are focused on ranking high in alliance battles, or seeking people who are active and social, but require members to meet minimum activity/rank requirements. My current vision for Jade Dragon is to provide a home for people who want to be part of an alliance, but don't want to feel pressured to be active or social. Not that we're against being active and social, if people want to be chatty, I encourage that.

I'm not bothered if you decide to take a long break from the game, but due to limits in the number of members, I do intend to make room for new members by booting people who have been inactive the longest (we have a few members who have not logged in for years).

If you're interested in joining, find us or send me a message, all are welcome :)


Alliance: Jade Dragon
