Cards are classified by various attributes including: element, rarity, stats, and skill.
There are five elements in Valkyrie Crusade which are:
Elements characterize a card and offer a damage bonus against their opposite type (Passion↔Cool, Light↔Dark).
Every card is branded with its abbreviated rarity in the upper-left corner of the card.
- Normal / High Normal
- Rare / High Rare
- Super Rare / High Super Rare
- Ultimate Rare / High Ultimate Rare
- Legendary Rare / High Legendary Rare
- Valkyrie Rare / High Valkyrie Rare
Higher rarity cards generally have higher stats and better skills, but also a lower chance of being obtained.
Card Symbols were recently introduced to Valkyrie Crusade. Generally they are only on LR cards, but there are a few UR card with symbols (mainly paid event point boosters). Symbols give certain cards advantage over cards with differing symbols. When a card has a Symbol, it is branded in the lower right of the card image except during battles, where it shows in the upper left.
The symbols are:
Stats consist of various properties including:
- Level (Overall power)
- Card cost (Usage cost in team)
- Skill cost (For custom skills, LR and VR cards only: see Custom Skills)
- Attack (Increases damage dealt)
- Defense (Reduces damage taken)
- Soldiers (Number of hit points)
- Skill Level (Level of the main skill. See Skills)
The blue numbers in parenthesis indicate any bonuses given from Buildings, Unit Bonuses, Autoskills, Friendship, Upgrade Potions, and Leader Skill.
Often a deciding factor for a card's usefulness is the skill. The majority of cards have only one skill. Secondary skills exist only on special cards. LR and VR cards all have 2 skills and can equip an optional third custom skill. For the full list of skills, descriptions, and upgrade chart see the main article on Skills.Element: | Any | Passion | Cool | Light | Dark | :Element | |||||
Rarity: | LR | UR | LR | UR | LR | UR | LR | UR | LR | UR | :Rarity |
ATK Up (Team) | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | ATK Up (Team) |
ATK Up (Element) | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | ATK Up (Element) |
ATK • DEF Up (Team) | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | ATK • DEF Up (Team) |
ATK • DEF Up (Element) | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | ATK • DEF Up (Element) |
ATK Down (All) | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | ATK Down (All) |
Resurrect | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | Resurrect |
Deal DMG (All) | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | Deal DMG (All) |
Deal DMG (Multi-Hit) | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | Deal DMG (Multi-Hit) |
Deal DMG (Multi-Hit All) | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | Deal DMG (Multi-Hit All) |
Deal DMG (Salvo) | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | Deal DMG (Salvo) |
Turn Skip (All) | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | Turn Skip (All) |
Turn Skip (With Damage) | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | Turn Skip (With Damage) |
Turn Skip (No Damage) | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | Turn Skip (No Damage) |
Skill Unleash (Team) | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | Skill Unleash (Team) |
Burst Unleash | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | →… | Burst Unleash |
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