Valkyrie Crusade Wiki

See also: Evolution & Amalgamation

For alliance amalgamations, see Amalgamation/Alliance Exclusive.
For Demon Realm amalgamations, see Amalgamation/Demon Realm Exclusive.
For Tower amalgamations, see Amalgamation/Tower Exclusive.

Tip: If you amalgamate using max level base units, you will gain an additional 5% bonus stats to your new unit.

The Four Guardians

White Tiger
(SR) White Tiger
Amalg cross Black Tortoise
(SR) Black Tortoise
Amalg cross Vermilion Bird
(SR) Vermilion Bird
Amalg cross Azure Dragon
(SR) Azure Dragon
Amalg equal Huang Long
(UR) Huang Long

Celestial Cat-astrophe

Catagion H
Catagion (HSR)
Amalg cross Laperm H
Laperm (HSR)
Amalg equal Catcine
Catcine (UR)

Chocolate Wars

Claudius H
Claudius (HSR)
Amalg cross Red String H
Red String (HSR)
Amalg equal Chocolatier
Chocolatier (UR)

Celestial Drinking Party

Tomato Juice H
Tomato Juice (HSR)
Amalg cross Beer Babe H
Beer Babe (HSR)
Amalg equal Redeye
Redeye (UR)

Maidens and Magic Weapons

Excalibur H
Excalibur (HSR)
Amalg cross Gungnir H
Gungnir (HSR)
Amalg equal Dainsleif
Dainsleif (UR)

Celestial Jubilee II

Jubilee Hostess H
Jubilee Hostess (HSR)
Amalg cross Mia H
Mia (HSR)
Amalg equal Drum Major
Drum Major (UR)

Victoria the Vampire Princess

Vampire Victoria H
Vampire Victoria (HUR)
Amalg cross Token of Affection
Token of Affection (N)
Amalg equal Vermillion Victoria H
Vermillion Victoria (HUR)

Celestial Battle Royal

Iroha H
Iroha (HSR)
Amalg cross Champion H
Champion (HSR)
Amalg equal Super Iroha
Super Iroha (UR)

Celestial Pilgrimage: The Last Battle

Wandering Sanzo H
Wandering Sanzo (HSR)
Amalg cross Sutra of Thankfulness
Sutra of Thankfulness (N)
Amalg equal Sanzo
Sanzo (UR)

Celestial Studio Tour

Kathleen H
Kathleen (HSR)
Amalg cross Junior Director H
Junior Director (HSR)
Amalg equal Jean
Jean (UR)

Celestial Railway

Black Magic Woman H
Black Magic Woman (HSR)
Amalg cross Cora H
Cora (HSR)
Amalg equal Moira
Moira (UR)

Princess Knight Imprisoned

Elsa H
Elsa (HSR)
Amalg cross Rikayu in Chains H
Rikayu in Chains (HSR)
Amalg equal Rikayu
Rikayu (UR)

Celestial Grand Prix

Pit Mechanic H
Pit Mechanic (HSR)
Amalg cross Course Worker H
Course Worker (HSR)
Amalg equal Speedster
Speedster (UR)

The Oracle's Day Off

Angler H
Angler (HSR)
Amalg cross Sandcastle Girl H
Sandcastle Girl (HSR)
Amalg equal Summer Oracle
Summer Oracle (UR)

The Stolen Grimoire

Nova H
Nova (HSR)
Amalg cross Vassago H
Vassago (HSR)
Amalg equal Goetia
Goetia (UR)

The Fairies' New Wings

Lost Fairy
Lost Fairy (SR)
Amalg cross Red Wings
Red Wings (R)
Amalg equal Passion Fairy
Passion Fairy (SR)

Lost Fairy
Lost Fairy (SR)
Amalg cross Blue Wings
Blue Wings (R)
Amalg equal Cool Fairy
Cool Fairy (SR)

Lost Fairy
Lost Fairy (SR)
Amalg cross Green Wings
Green Wings (R)
Amalg equal Light Fairy
Light Fairy (SR)

Lost Fairy
Lost Fairy (SR)
Amalg cross Purple Wings
Purple Wings (R)
Amalg equal Dark Fairy
Dark Fairy (SR)

Passion Fairy
(SR) Passion Fairy
Amalg cross Cool Fairy
(SR) Cool Fairy
Amalg cross Light Fairy
(SR) Light Fairy
Amalg cross Dark Fairy
(SR) Dark Fairy
Amalg equal Elemental Queen
(UR) Elemental Queen

The Alchemist and the Magic Spell

Lolita Alchemist H
Lolita Alchemist (HSR)
Amalg cross Magic Spell Incarnate
Magic Spell Incarnate (R)
Amalg equal Hyper Alchemist
Hyper Alchemist (UR)

The Outskirts of Town

Nona H
Nona (HSR)
Amalg cross Morta H
Morta (HSR)
Amalg equal Regea
Regea (UR)

The Evil-Eyed Maiden

Dark Eyes H
Dark Eyes (HUR)
Amalg cross Key of Dispelling
Key of Dispelling (X)
Amalg equal Dark Eyes Unveiled H
Dark Eyes Unveiled (HUR)

Halloween Night

Parentalia H
Parentalia (HSR)
Amalg cross Loveberry H
Loveberry (HSR)
Amalg equal Moloch
Moloch (UR)


Red Pw Piece
(R) Red Pw Piece
Amalg cross Blue Pw Piece
(R) Blue Pw Piece
Amalg cross Purple Pw Piece
(R) Purple Pw Piece
Amalg cross Green Pw Piece
(R) Green Pw Piece
Amalg equal Top-Secret Pw
(R) Top-Secret Pw

Top-Secret Pw
Top-Secret Pw (R)
Amalg cross Virtual Vandal H
Virtual Vandal (HSR)
Amalg equal Neos
Neos (UR)

The Watcher in the Sky

Thunderbolt H
Thunderbolt (HSR)
Amalg cross Ghostly Anne H
Ghostly Anne (HSR)
Amalg equal Hawkeye
Hawkeye (UR)

The Celestial Slayer

Gilgamesh H
Gilgamesh (HUR)
Amalg cross Spell Of Allegiance
Spell Of Allegiance (X)
Amalg equal Heroic Gilgamesh H
Heroic Gilgamesh (HUR)

A Celestial Adventure

Satan H
Satan (HSR)
Amalg cross Advent Fairy H
Advent Fairy (HSR)
Amalg equal Perchta
Perchta (UR)

Perchta H
Perchta (GUR)
Amalg cross Christmas Costume
Christmas Costume (X)
Amalg equal Santa Perchta H
Santa Perchta (GUR)

A Celestial Shrine Visit

Izanami H
Izanami (HSR)
Amalg cross Tama-No-Oya H
Tama-No-Oya (HSR)
Amalg equal Ishikore-Dome
Ishikore-Dome (UR)

Sacred Amaterasu H
Sacred Amaterasu (GUR)
Amalg cross New Year's Costume
New Year's Costume (X)
Amalg equal Mikoterasu H
Mikoterasu (GUR)

Sisterhood of Thieves

Rossa H
Rossa (HSR)
Amalg cross Paloma H
Paloma (HSR)
Amalg equal Nina
Nina (UR)

Nina H
Nina (GUR)
Amalg cross President's Armband
President's Armband (X)
Amalg equal President Nina H
President Nina (GUR)

Valentine's Day Grand Prix

Melty H
Melty (HSR)
Amalg cross Lolli H
Lolli (HSR)
Amalg equal Chocolate Candy
Chocolate Candy (UR)

Chocolate Candy H
Chocolate Candy (GUR)
Amalg cross Valentine's Crown
Valentine's Crown (X)
Amalg equal Candy Champion H
Candy Champion (GUR)

Desert Dreams

Aladdin H
Aladdin (HSR)
Amalg cross Lamp H
Lamp (HSR)
Amalg equal Genie
Genie (UR)

Genie H
Genie (GUR)
Amalg cross Ribbon Of Change
Ribbon Of Change (X)
Amalg equal Goth Genie H
Goth Genie (GUR)

The Tyrant

Lu Bu H
Lu Bu (HSR)
Amalg cross Chen Gong H
Chen Gong (HSR)
Amalg equal Lu Bu The Swift
Lu Bu The Swift (UR)

Lu Bu The Swift H
Lu Bu The Swift (GUR)
Amalg cross Red Hare
Red Hare (X)
Amalg equal Lu Bu The Red H
Lu Bu The Red (GUR)

Lu Bu The Swift H
Lu Bu The Swift (GUR)
Amalg cross Fiery Red Hare
Fiery Red Hare (X)
Amalg equal Fiery Lu Bu The Red H
Fiery Lu Bu The Red (GUR)

Celestial Jubilee III

Balor H
Balor (HSR)
Amalg cross Houri H
Houri (HSR)
Amalg equal Pageant Alchemist
Pageant Alchemist (UR)

Pageant Alchemist H
Pageant Alchemist (GUR)
Amalg cross Celestial Laurels H
Celestial Laurels (HX)
Amalg equal Celestial Alchemist H
Celestial Alchemist (GUR)

Oracle Chair H
Oracle Chair (GUR)
Amalg cross Celestial Laurels H
Celestial Laurels (HX)
Amalg equal Celestial Oracle H
Celestial Oracle (GUR)

Princess in Peril!

Ursula H
Ursula (HSR)
Amalg cross Nadia H
Nadia (HSR)
Amalg equal Mildred
Mildred (UR)

Mildred H
Mildred (GUR)
Amalg cross Wicca Hat H
Wicca Hat (HX)
Amalg equal Wicca Mildred H
Wicca Mildred (GUR)

Academy Battle

Subleader One H
Subleader One (HSR)
Amalg cross Lucky Ten H
Lucky Ten (HSR)
Amalg equal Leader Zero
Leader Zero (UR)

Leader Zero H
Leader Zero (GUR)
Amalg cross Boss' Mantle H
Boss' Mantle (HX)
Amalg equal Last Boss Zero H
Last Boss Zero (GUR)

Valkyrie Wars

Rogue H
Rogue (GUR)
Amalg cross Galaxy's Glory H
Galaxy's Glory (HX)
Amalg equal Rogue The Savior H
Rogue The Savior (GUR)

Rogue H
Rogue (GUR)
Amalg cross Space's Abyss H
Space's Abyss (HX)
Amalg equal Rogue The Vengeful H
Rogue The Vengeful (GUR)

Schwartz (UR)
Amalg cross Asphodelus H
Asphodelus (HSR)
Amalg equal Ghostly Schwartz H
Ghostly Schwartz (HUR)

War Goddess Comeback

Valiant Bellona H
Valiant Bellona (GUR)
Amalg cross Bronze Armor H
Bronze Armor (HX)
Amalg equal Valiant Bellona (Bronze) H
Valiant Bellona (Bronze) (GUR)

Valiant Bellona H
Valiant Bellona (GUR)
Amalg cross Silver Armor H
Silver Armor (HX)
Amalg equal Valiant Bellona (Silver) H
Valiant Bellona (Silver) (GUR)

Valiant Bellona H
Valiant Bellona (GUR)
Amalg cross Gold Armor H
Gold Armor (HX)
Amalg equal Valiant Bellona (Gold) H
Valiant Bellona (Gold) (GUR)

Bellona (R)
Amalg cross Sword Of Courage H
Sword Of Courage (HX)
Amalg equal Cowardly Bellona
Cowardly Bellona (SR)

Cowardly Bellona
Cowardly Bellona (SR)
Amalg cross Holy Sword Of Courage H
Holy Sword Of Courage (HX)
Amalg equal Valiant Bellona
Valiant Bellona (UR)

The Stolas Sisters

Gem Stolas H
Gem Stolas (HSR)
Amalg cross Gem Stolas H
Gem Stolas (HSR)
Amalg equal Herb Stolas
Herb Stolas (UR)

Herb Stolas H
Herb Stolas (GUR)
Amalg cross Space-Time Feather H
Space-Time Feather (HX)
Amalg equal Herb Wing H
Herb Wing (GUR)

Astral Stolas H
Astral Stolas (GUR)
Amalg cross Space-Time Feather H
Space-Time Feather (HX)
Amalg equal Astral Wing H
Astral Wing (GUR)

Rhapsody of the Dark Princess

Slipper Spirit H
Slipper Spirit (HSR)
Amalg cross Lagrasse H
Lagrasse (HSR)
Amalg equal Dark Cinderella
Dark Cinderella (UR)

Dark Cinderella H
Dark Cinderella (GUR)
Amalg cross Glass Slipper H
Glass Slipper (HX)
Amalg equal Radiant Cinderella H
Radiant Cinderella (GUR)

Follow Your Dreams: Idols Live!

Mika In Training
Mika In Training (R)
Amalg cross Mika In Training
Mika In Training (R)
Amalg equal Mika Live!
Mika Live! (SR)

Mika Live!
Mika Live! (SR)
Amalg cross Mika Live!
Mika Live! (SR)
Amalg equal Superstar Mika
Superstar Mika (UR)

Superstar Mika H
Superstar Mika (GUR)
Amalg cross Idol's Heart H
Idol's Heart (HX)
Amalg equal Diva Mika H
Diva Mika (GUR)

A Celestial Vacation

Trident H
Trident (HSR)
Amalg cross Trident H
Trident (HSR)
Amalg equal Queen Poseidon
Queen Poseidon (UR)

Queen Poseidon H
Queen Poseidon (GUR)
Amalg cross Divine Trident H
Divine Trident (HX)
Amalg equal Divine Poseidon H
Divine Poseidon (GUR)

Summer Alchemist H
Summer Alchemist (GUR)
Amalg cross White Frilled Bikini H
White Frilled Bikini (HX)
Amalg equal Sunset Alchemist H
Sunset Alchemist (GUR)

Ice Wolves and Summer Snow

Gleipnir H
Gleipnir (HSR)
Amalg cross Sorbet H
Sorbet (HSR)
Amalg equal Ice Wolf Skoll
Ice Wolf Skoll (UR)

Ice Wolf Fenrir H
Ice Wolf Fenrir (GUR)
Amalg cross Ice Wolf Skoll
Ice Wolf Skoll (UR)
Amalg equal Twin Wolf Fenrir H
Twin Wolf Fenrir (GUR)

A Haunting Mystery

Veronica H
Veronica (HSR)
Amalg cross Keymaker H
Keymaker (HSR)
Amalg equal Sundered Spirit
Sundered Spirit (UR)

Sundered Spirit H
Sundered Spirit (GUR)
Amalg cross Angelic Dress H
Angelic Dress (HX)
Amalg equal Therese H
Therese (GUR)

Goth Oracle H
Goth Oracle (GUR)
Amalg cross Amulet Of Purity H
Amulet Of Purity (HX)
Amalg equal Pure Oracle H
Pure Oracle (GUR)

Moonlight Rumble

Diana (New) H
Diana (New) (HSR)
Amalg cross Luna H
Luna (HSR)
Amalg equal Goddess Cynthia
Goddess Cynthia (UR)

Goddess Cynthia H
Goddess Cynthia (GUR)
Amalg cross Stardust Choker H
Stardust Choker (HX)
Amalg equal Empress Cynthia H
Empress Cynthia (GUR)

Summer Ends With a Bang!

Ruru H
Ruru (HSR)
Amalg cross Roro H
Roro (HSR)
Amalg equal Sparky (New)
Sparky (New) (UR)

Sparky (New) H
Sparky (New) (GUR)
Amalg cross Pyro's Hairpin H
Pyro's Hairpin (HX)
Amalg equal Master Sparky H
Master Sparky (GUR)

The Temple in the Sand

Batur H
Batur (HSR)
Amalg cross Batur H
Batur (HSR)
Amalg equal Saurva
Saurva (UR)

Saurva H
Saurva (GUR)
Amalg cross Fake Treasure H
Fake Treasure (HX)
Amalg equal Captain Saurva H
Captain Saurva (GUR)

Halloween Confessions Can Wait

Zombina H
Zombina (HSR)
Amalg cross Hijack H
Hijack (HSR)
Amalg equal Vamp
Vamp (UR)

Vamp H
Vamp (GUR)
Amalg cross Halloween Cape H
Halloween Cape (HX)
Amalg equal Cosplay Vamp H
Cosplay Vamp (GUR)

A Dark and Dreary Autumn

Volt (R)
Amalg cross Volt
Volt (R)
Amalg equal Lightning Volt
Lightning Volt (SR)

Lightning Volt
Lightning Volt (SR)
Amalg cross Lightning Volt
Lightning Volt (SR)
Amalg cross Halloween Treats H
Halloween Treats (HX)
Amalg equal Hrungnir
Hrungnir (UR)

Hrungnir H
Hrungnir (GUR)
Amalg cross Loin Cloth Of Storms H
Loin Cloth Of Storms (HX)
Amalg equal Storm Hrungnir H
Storm Hrungnir (GUR)


Barbatos H
Barbatos (HSR)
Amalg cross Barbatos H
Barbatos (HSR)
Amalg equal Lilith
Lilith (UR)

Lilith H
Lilith (GUR)
Amalg cross Bewitching Attire H
Bewitching Attire (HX)
Amalg equal Bewitching Lilith H
Bewitching Lilith (GUR)

The Immortal Queen's Request

Ketu (R)
Amalg cross Ketu
Ketu (R)
Amalg equal Follower Ketu
Follower Ketu (SR)

Follower Ketu
Follower Ketu (SR)
Amalg cross Follower Ketu
Follower Ketu (SR)
Amalg cross Amrit H
Amrit (HX)
Amalg equal Rahu
Rahu (UR)

Rahu H
Rahu (GUR)
Amalg cross Black Feathered Hairpin H
Black Feathered Hairpin (HX)
Amalg equal Immortal Rahu H
Immortal Rahu (GUR)

Holy Night! No One at the Gate

Nuada H
Nuada (HSR)
Amalg cross Nuada H
Nuada (HSR)
Amalg equal Cranky Relena
Cranky Relena (UR)

Cranky Relena H
Cranky Relena (GUR)
Amalg cross Guardian's Santa Gear H
Guardian's Santa Gear (HX)
Amalg equal Santa Relena H
Santa Relena (GUR)

New Year's Fun and Games

Ukanomitama H
Ukanomitama (HSR)
Amalg cross Ukanomitama H
Ukanomitama (HSR)
Amalg equal Toshigami
Toshigami (UR)

Toshigami H
Toshigami (GUR)
Amalg cross Toshigami's Coat H
Toshigami's Coat (HX)
Amalg equal Secret Toshigami H
Secret Toshigami (GUR)

Sally's Dress Dilemma

Sally (R)
Amalg cross Sally
Sally (R)
Amalg equal Shy Sally
Shy Sally (SR)

Shy Sally H
Shy Sally (HSR)
Amalg cross Shy Sally H
Shy Sally (HSR)
Amalg equal Dancing Sally
Dancing Sally (UR)

Dancing Sally H
Dancing Sally (GUR)
Amalg cross Crimson Dress H
Crimson Dress (HX)
Amalg equal Red Sally H
Red Sally (GUR)

Valentine's Day Chocolate Hunt

Ganache H
Ganache (HSR)
Amalg cross Ganache H
Ganache (HSR)
Amalg equal Sweet Fortuna
Sweet Fortuna (UR)

Sweet Fortuna H
Sweet Fortuna (GUR)
Amalg cross Black Bunny Apron H
Black Bunny Apron (HX)
Amalg equal Lusty Fortuna H
Lusty Fortuna (GUR)

A Dancer's Depression

Oruro H
Oruro (HSR)
Amalg cross Oruro H
Oruro (HSR)
Amalg equal Lantz
Lantz (UR)

Lantz H
Lantz (GUR)
Amalg cross Dancer's Hair Ornament H
Dancer's Hair Ornament (HX)
Amalg equal Flashdance Lantz H
Flashdance Lantz (GUR)

Relena Training Event!

Magical Relena H
Magical Relena (HR)
Amalg cross Chimry H
Chimry (HR)
Amalg equal Guardian Relena
Guardian Relena (SR)

Guardian Relena
Guardian Relena (SR)
Amalg cross Super Chimry H
Super Chimry (HSR)
Amalg equal Leisurely Relena
Leisurely Relena (UR)

Leisurely Relena
Leisurely Relena (UR)
Amalg cross Hyper Chimry H
Hyper Chimry (HUR)
Amalg equal Inspired Relena
Inspired Relena (LR)

Hyper Chimry (Passion)
(UR) Hyper Chimry (Passion)
Amalg cross Hyper Chimry (Cool)
(UR) Hyper Chimry (Cool)
Amalg cross Hyper Chimry (Light)
(UR) Hyper Chimry (Light)
Amalg cross Hyper Chimry (Dark)
(UR) Hyper Chimry (Dark)
Amalg equal Hyper Chimry H
(HUR) Hyper Chimry

Super Chimry (Passion)
(SR) Super Chimry (Passion)
Amalg cross Super Chimry (Cool)
(SR) Super Chimry (Cool)
Amalg cross Super Chimry (Light)
(SR) Super Chimry (Light)
Amalg cross Super Chimry (Dark)
(SR) Super Chimry (Dark)
Amalg equal Super Chimry H
(HSR) Super Chimry

Visitors from on High

Bran H
Bran (HSR)
Amalg cross Bran H
Bran (HSR)
Amalg equal Luna Llena
Luna Llena (UR)

Luna Llena H
Luna Llena (GUR)
Amalg cross Sky Choker H
Sky Choker (HX)
Amalg equal Rex Luna Llena H
Rex Luna Llena (GUR)

The Rarest of Stones

Adele H
Adele (GUR)
Amalg cross Sentinel's Uniform H
Sentinel's Uniform (HX)
Amalg equal Sentinel Adele H
Sentinel Adele (GUR)

Whitecloth's Great Awakening

Evelyne (SR)
Amalg cross Holy Crown
Holy Crown (SR)
Amalg equal Able Evelyne
Able Evelyne (UR)

Whitecloth H
Whitecloth (GUR)
Amalg cross Spirit Lantern H
Spirit Lantern (HUR)
Amalg equal Blazing Whitecloth H
Blazing Whitecloth (GUR)

Red Lantern
(UR) Red Lantern
Amalg cross Green Lantern
(UR) Green Lantern
Amalg cross Blue Lantern
(UR) Blue Lantern
Amalg cross Purple Lantern
(UR) Purple Lantern
Amalg equal Spirit Lantern H
(HUR) Spirit Lantern

Red Crown
(R) Red Crown
Amalg cross Blue Crown
(R) Blue Crown
Amalg cross Green Crown
(R) Green Crown
Amalg cross Purple Crown
(R) Purple Crown
Amalg equal Holy Crown
(SR) Holy Crown

Celestial Jubilee IV

Pondering Pixie
Pondering Pixie (R)
Amalg cross Pondering Pixie
Pondering Pixie (R)
Amalg equal Backstage Pixie
Backstage Pixie (SR)

Backstage Pixie H
Backstage Pixie (HSR)
Amalg cross Backstage Pixie H
Backstage Pixie (HSR)
Amalg equal Shining Pixie
Shining Pixie (UR)

Shining Pixie H
Shining Pixie (GUR)
Amalg cross Cheerful Dress H
Cheerful Dress (HX)
Amalg equal Cheerful Pixie H
Cheerful Pixie (GUR)

Shining Pixie H
Shining Pixie (GUR)
Amalg cross Radiant Dress H
Radiant Dress (HX)
Amalg equal Radiant Pixie H
Radiant Pixie (GUR)

The Day The Music Almost Died

Soleil H
Soleil (HSR)
Amalg cross Tone Of Rainbows
Tone Of Rainbows (SR)
Amalg equal Seika
Seika (UR)

Seika H
Seika (GUR)
Amalg cross Encore Dress H
Encore Dress (HUR)
Amalg equal Sacred Seika H
Sacred Seika (GUR)

Red Harmony
(UR) Red Harmony
Amalg cross Green Harmony
(UR) Green Harmony
Amalg cross Blue Harmony
(UR) Blue Harmony
Amalg cross Purple Harmony
(UR) Purple Harmony
Amalg equal Encore Dress H
(HUR) Encore Dress

Red Tone
(R) Red Tone
Amalg cross Blue Tone
(R) Blue Tone
Amalg cross Green Tone
(R) Green Tone
Amalg cross Purple Tone
(R) Purple Tone
Amalg equal Tone Of Rainbows
(SR) Tone Of Rainbows

The Banisher of Disease

Consort Wu H
Consort Wu (HSR)
Amalg cross Consort Wu H
Consort Wu (HSR)
Amalg equal Zhong Kui
Zhong Kui (UR)

Zhong Kui H
Zhong Kui (GUR)
Amalg cross Fierce Spirit H
Fierce Spirit (HX)
Amalg equal Fierce Zhong Kui H
Fierce Zhong Kui (GUR)

In the Dungeon Depths

Theseus H
Theseus (HSR)
Amalg cross Theseus H
Theseus (HSR)
Amalg equal Teleios Theseus
Teleios Theseus (UR)

Teleios Theseus H
Teleios Theseus (GUR)
Amalg cross Light Of Ariadne H
Light Of Ariadne (HX)
Amalg equal Dynatos Theseus H
Dynatos Theseus (GUR)

Grimoire Quest

Livre H
Livre (HSR)
Amalg cross Grimoire Of Curses
Grimoire Of Curses (SR)
Amalg equal Minister Vielle
Minister Vielle (UR)

Minister Vielle H
Minister Vielle (GUR)
Amalg cross Overseer's Outfit
Overseer's Outfit (X)
Amalg equal Overseer Vielle H
Overseer Vielle (GUR)

Red Grimoire
(R) Red Grimoire
Amalg cross Blue Grimoire
(R) Blue Grimoire
Amalg cross Green Grimoire
(R) Green Grimoire
Amalg cross Purple Grimoire
(R) Purple Grimoire
Amalg equal Grimoire Of Curses
(SR) Grimoire Of Curses

The Perfect Temptation

Brule H
Brule (HSR)
Amalg cross Le Repas H
Le Repas (HSR)
Amalg equal Argent
Argent (UR)

Argent H
Argent (GUR)
Amalg cross Wedding Dress H
Wedding Dress (HX)
Amalg equal Bridal Argent H
Bridal Argent (GUR)

The Blundering Sun Goddess

Primed Hades
Primed Hades (R)
Amalg cross Snorkeling Set H
Snorkeling Set (HX)
Amalg equal Scarlet Hades
Scarlet Hades (SR)

Scarlet Hades
Scarlet Hades (SR)
Amalg cross Veiled Polka Dot Bikini H
Veiled Polka Dot Bikini (HX)
Amalg equal Summer Hades
Summer Hades (UR)

Summer Hades H
Summer Hades (GUR)
Amalg cross Red Straw Hat H
Red Straw Hat (HX)
Amalg equal Playful Hades (Red) H
Playful Hades (Red) (GUR)

Summer Hades H
Summer Hades (GUR)
Amalg cross Green Straw Hat H
Green Straw Hat (HX)
Amalg equal Playful Hades (Green) H
Playful Hades (Green) (GUR)

Summer Hades H
Summer Hades (GUR)
Amalg cross Blue Straw Hat H
Blue Straw Hat (HX)
Amalg equal Playful Hades (Blue) H
Playful Hades (Blue) (GUR)

An Interstellar Journey

Fel H
Fel (HSR)
Amalg cross Fel H
Fel (HSR)
Amalg equal Page
Page (UR)

Page H
Page (GUR)
Amalg cross Celestial Raiment H
Celestial Raiment (HX)
Amalg equal Angelic Page H
Angelic Page (GUR)

Her First Test

Iarn H
Iarn (HSR)
Amalg cross Iarn H
Iarn (HSR)
Amalg equal Skoll The Hunter
Skoll The Hunter (UR)

Skoll The Hunter H
Skoll The Hunter (GUR)
Amalg cross Red Wolf Hood H
Red Wolf Hood (HX)
Amalg equal Red Wolf Skoll H
Red Wolf Skoll (GUR)

A New Gateway

Despoina H
Despoina (HSR)
Amalg cross Arion H
Arion (HSR)
Amalg equal True Tome Mia
True Tome Mia (UR)

True Tome Mia H
True Tome Mia (GUR)
Amalg cross Gothic Dress
Gothic Dress (X)
Amalg equal Dark Tome Mia H
Dark Tome Mia (GUR)

Pumpkin Panic

Lil' Alchemist H
Lil' Alchemist (GUR)
Amalg cross Dracula Dress
Dracula Dress (X)
Amalg equal Candy Alchemist H
Candy Alchemist (GUR)

Lakka H
Lakka (HSR)
Amalg cross Lakka H
Lakka (HSR)
Amalg equal Lil' Alchemist
Lil' Alchemist (UR)

The Spring of the Goddess Krene

Minister Sucia H
Minister Sucia (GUR)
Amalg cross Overseer's Outfit
Overseer's Outfit (X)
Amalg equal Formal Sucia H
Formal Sucia (GUR)

Scue H
Scue (HSR)
Amalg cross Sukis H
Sukis (HSR)
Amalg equal Minister Sucia
Minister Sucia (UR)

The Stolas Sisters Strike Again

Astral Noir H
Astral Noir (GUR)
Amalg cross Christmas Cape
Christmas Cape (X)
Amalg equal Astral Christmas H
Astral Christmas (GUR)

Herb Noir H
Herb Noir (GUR)
Amalg cross Christmas Cape
Christmas Cape (X)
Amalg equal Herb Christmas H
Herb Christmas (GUR)

Gem Noir H
Gem Noir (GSR)
Amalg cross Reindeer Headband
Reindeer Headband (X)
Amalg equal Gem Christmas H
Gem Christmas (GSR)

In Search of the Wondrous Cacao

Kukurihime H
Kukurihime (GUR)
Amalg cross Love Uniform
Love Uniform (X)
Amalg equal Amore Kukurihime H
Amore Kukurihime (GUR)

The Brilliant Invader

Taishi Ci H
Taishi Ci (HSR)
Amalg cross Huang Gai H
Huang Gai (HSR)
Amalg equal Gan Ning
Gan Ning (UR)

Gan Ning H
Gan Ning (GUR)
Amalg cross Gan Ning's Cheongsam
Gan Ning's Cheongsam (X)
Amalg equal Formal Gan Ning H
Formal Gan Ning (GUR)

Labs Are Meant for Exploding

Palladio H
Palladio (HSR)
Amalg cross Palladio H
Palladio (HSR)
Amalg equal Wayland
Wayland (UR)

Wayland H
Wayland (GUR)
Amalg cross Wayland's Hair Fascinator
Wayland's Hair Fascinator (X)
Amalg equal Preening Wayland H
Preening Wayland (GUR)

The Slimefolk's Treasure

Schalk H
Schalk (HSR)
Amalg cross Schalk H
Schalk (HSR)
Amalg equal Pure Slime
Pure Slime (UR)

Pure Slime H
Pure Slime (GUR)
Amalg cross Dream Outfit
Dream Outfit (X)
Amalg equal Cute Slime H
Cute Slime (GUR)

The Demon Minister Juggernaut

Sogia H
Sogia (HSR)
Amalg cross Sogia H
Sogia (HSR)
Amalg equal Minister Cairn
Minister Cairn (UR)

Minister Cairn H
Minister Cairn (GUR)
Amalg cross Overseer's Outfit
Overseer's Outfit (X)
Amalg equal Nurse Cairn H
Nurse Cairn (GUR)

PM Demise H
PM Demise (GUR)
Amalg cross Overseer's Outfit
Overseer's Outfit (X)
Amalg equal Vice Chair Demise H
Vice Chair Demise (GUR)

Beyond the Spacetime Gate

Sylvio H
Sylvio (HSR)
Amalg cross Sylvio H
Sylvio (HSR)
Amalg equal Damilia
Damilia (UR)

Damilia H
Damilia (GUR)
Amalg cross Dawn Dress
Dawn Dress (X)
Amalg equal Holiday Damilia H
Holiday Damilia (GUR)

The Mermaids of Summer

Kyklos H
Kyklos (HSR)
Amalg cross Kyklos H
Kyklos (HSR)
Amalg equal Sexy Summer Pixie
Sexy Summer Pixie (UR)

Sexy Summer Pixie H
Sexy Summer Pixie (GUR)
Amalg cross One-piece Swimsuit
One-piece Swimsuit (X)
Amalg equal Cute Pixie H
Cute Pixie (GUR)

Awakening Rage

Thviti H
Thviti (HSR)
Amalg cross Thviti H
Thviti (HSR)
Amalg equal Gelgja
Gelgja (UR)

Gelgja H
Gelgja (GUR)
Amalg cross Gelgja’s Formal Dress
Gelgja’s Formal Dress (X)
Amalg equal Divine Gelgja H
Divine Gelgja (GUR)

The Evil Beyond the Walls

Coucke H
Coucke (HSR)
Amalg cross Coucke H
Coucke (HSR)
Amalg equal Minister Jigan
Minister Jigan (UR)

Minister Prikat H
Minister Prikat (GUR)
Amalg cross Overseer's Outfit
Overseer's Outfit (X)
Amalg equal Prof. Prikat H
Prof. Prikat (GUR)

Minister Jigan H
Minister Jigan (GUR)
Amalg cross Overseer's Outfit
Overseer's Outfit (X)
Amalg equal Coach Jigan H
Coach Jigan (GUR)

Thunder Stone Shard (P)
(UR) Thunder Stone Shard (P)
Amalg cross Thunder Stone Shard (C)
(UR) Thunder Stone Shard (C)
Amalg cross Thunder Stone Shard (L)
(UR) Thunder Stone Shard (L)
Amalg cross Thunder Stone Shard (D)
(UR) Thunder Stone Shard (D)
Amalg equal Thunder Stone H
(HUR) Thunder Stone

Lightning Stone Shard (P)
(UR) Lightning Stone Shard (P)
Amalg cross Lightning Stone Shard (C)
(UR) Lightning Stone Shard (C)
Amalg cross Lightning Stone Shard (L)
(UR) Lightning Stone Shard (L)
Amalg cross Lightning Stone Shard (D)
(UR) Lightning Stone Shard (D)
Amalg equal Lightning Stone H
(HUR) Lightning Stone

Thunder Stone H
Thunder Stone (HUR)
Amalg cross Lightning Stone H
Lightning Stone (HUR)
Amalg equal Archwitch Ymir
Archwitch Ymir (LR)

The Stolas Sisters: Never Say Die!

Halloween Gem H
Halloween Gem (HSR)
Amalg cross Halloween Gem H
Halloween Gem (HSR)
Amalg equal Halloween Herb
Halloween Herb (UR)

Halloween Astral H
Halloween Astral (GUR)
Amalg cross Enchanted Cloth
Enchanted Cloth (X)
Amalg equal Mummy Astral H
Mummy Astral (GUR)

The Lure of the Sea Bottom

Nehrin H
Nehrin (HSR)
Amalg cross Nehrin H
Nehrin (HSR)
Amalg equal Minister Kyula
Minister Kyula (UR)

Angry Nehrin H
Angry Nehrin (HSR)
Amalg cross Angry Nehrin H
Angry Nehrin (HSR)
Amalg equal Minister Kyulu
Minister Kyulu (UR)

Minister Kyula H
Minister Kyula (GUR)
Amalg cross Overseer's Outfit
Overseer's Outfit (X)
Amalg equal Beautifier Kyula H
Beautifier Kyula (GUR)

Minister Kyulu H
Minister Kyulu (GUR)
Amalg cross Overseer's Outfit
Overseer's Outfit (X)
Amalg equal Beautifier Kyulu H
Beautifier Kyulu (GUR)

The Accursed Queen

Cochineal H
Cochineal (HSR)
Amalg cross Cochineal H
Cochineal (HSR)
Amalg equal Agent Koh
Agent Koh (UR)

Agent Koh H
Agent Koh (GUR)
Amalg cross Mission Suit
Mission Suit (X)
Amalg equal Christmas Koh H
Christmas Koh (GUR)
