Valkyrie Crusade Wiki

To max the stats on a card you use the Arcana forced ATK Arcana Forced ATK, Arcana strong DEF Arcana Strong DEF, Arcana Forced ATK Plus Arcana Forced ATK+, Arcana Strong DEF Plus Arcana Strong DEF+, Arcana Fierce ATK Arcana Fierce ATK, and Arcana Divine Protection Arcana Divine Protection. The non + version increase the Attack or Defense stat by 50, while the + version increases the stat by 500. The Fierce ATK and Divine Protection increase attack and defense by 3000 respectively. You can use up to 10 attack and 10 defense arcana at the same time for a total of 20 arcana. You can only use arcana of the same type at the same time (i.e. You can not mix Arcana Forced Attack, Arcana Forced Attack+, and Arcana Fierce Attack during the same application). These arcana can be applied either using fusion or Evolution & Amalgamation.

Since stats are only partially carried over during Evolution & Amalgamation, be sure to apply attack and defense arcana only at the final evolution stage of the card (The exceptions to this are Awakening and Rebirth).

Approximate amount of +50 arcana to max the cards stats
Rarity Approx Base Stat Max Difference # of Arcana/stat Rare Medals (for both stats)
HN 2100 19999 17899 358 Rare medal128880
HR 7500 19999 12499 250 Rare medal90000
HSR 9200 19999 10799 216 Rare medal77760
GSR 10600 24999 14399 288 Rare medal103680
XSR 16500 31999 15499 310 Rare medal111600
HUR 15100 29999 14899 298 Rare medal107280
GUR 20000 39999 19999 400 Rare medal144000
XUR 36000 44999 8999 180 Rare medal68400
LR 47999 49999 2000 40 Rare medal14400
HLR 65000 54999 -10000 (At around lvl 53 you reach max stats anyways.) 0 Rare medal0
GLR 87000 150000 63000 1260 Rare medal453600
XLR 132000 200000 68000 1360 Rare medal489600

Maxing Stats cost effectively[]

N Through GUR[]

Screenshot 2015-10-19-09-45-41

Selecting multiple ATK+ Arcana

Screenshot 2015-10-19-09-47-13

Cost is still the same

Gold cost per material card is calculated as level of the card being upgraded * 10 + 30 when using level 1 N cards as the material cards. For example, a level 6 card would cost 6 × 10 + 30 = 90 gold. If the card is at max level, the gold cost is doubled. For example, if upgrading a lvl70 GSR card, the formula becomes (70 × 10 + 30) × 2 = 1460 gold. This means that upgrading a level 70 GSR card will cost more than upgrading a level 70 HUR or level 70 GUR card.

Note: Since the 3.3.3 game update, you can now apply up to 10 of the same Arcana at a time for the gold cost of a single material card. This will further reduce the cost by up to 90% if you always try to apply most of the arcana in multiples of 10.

If you know you want to max the stats on a card, the most expensive option you can do is wait until it is max level.

Also remember that you can apply both the Attack and Defense arcana with a single material card.

LR through GLR And Rebirth[]

For a longer explanation on Maxing GLR cards and how to get exact number of acrcana needed, see Minimizing Gem Expenditures. or use a stat calculator

DO NOT upgrade LR or HLR card with arcana. They max out their stats easy enough (or come close enough) that it's an absolute waste. Wait until the card is awoken as a GLR before upgrading.

As seen in the LR Resource table, gem costs increase dramatically with higher levels. The resource cost is based on the resulting level of the card. With this in mind, it's ALWAYS better to apply ATK and DEF arcana at level 1. Waiting until level 90+ will result in having to wait days between each arcana application as you wait for your Gem resources to replenish.

For most current LR cards, you can estimate that getting the stats to approximately 130,000 starting at level 1 will get you a card that will have max stats at level 110. For some older LR, 140,000 stats is a safer number to use as an estimate. While you may end up using more Arcana since you are estimating a lot of the resulting stats on a GLR, it's almost certainly better than burning 400,000-900,000 Gems every time you want to increase your card Attack and Defense 500 points.

Suggested Max Stat per Skill[]

Some cards don't need to have max attack, while others don't need max defense. If you have limited medals and wish to only select 1 stat to max instead of both, here are a few suggestions based on card skill. In the end though, it depends on what other cards are in the unit that will determine which stats to max.

Examples of preferred stats to max per skill
Skill Card role Prefer Stat Reason
ATK Down (All) Support DEF These cards are almost never used for attack. They should have max DEF so they last long enough to activate.
ATK Up (Own)
Autoskill (+ATK)
Attacker ATK & DEF Generally these cards are used as the primary or sole attacker of a team. You want the ATK maxed to maximize damage, but also the defense, as you don't want this card to be the first to die.
ATK Up (Single)
ATK Up (Team)
ATK Up (Passion)
ATK Up (Cool)
ATK Up (Light)
ATK Up (Dark)
Support DEF If used as a support card for other attackers, you can just max the DEF of these cards.
ATK Up (Team)
ATK Up (Passion)
ATK Up (Cool)
ATK Up (Light)
ATK Up (Dark)
Attacker ATK If the buffer is strong enough (300+%) these cards can act as a primary attacker similar to ATK Up (Own). Since they can buff other cards in the unit, their defense is not as much of a priority.
Autoskill (ATK)
Autoskill (DEF)
Autoskill (EXP)
Fodder none/DEF Only max these if you want them to last longer as canon fodder. Otherwise maxing them is almost always a waste. The only exception may be for Autoskill (EXP) when used in a leveling team as described on the Upgrade page.
Cancel Buffs Support DEF These cards are almost never used for attack. They should have max DEF so they last long enough to activate.
Counter Attack Support DEF These cards are only effective if the enemy attack does not kill them, hence the max DEF. The entire purpose of this skill is to tank for the team.
Critical DMG (All)
Critical DMG (Single)
Attacker ATK Having max attack on these cards will optimize your damage and reduce the number of buffers you need on your team. A Crit card with 19999 ATK can hit for 150-200k unbuffed.
Deal DMG (Single)
Deal DMG (All)
Attacker ATK Maxing the ATK on these cards will reduce the need for buffers even if not used as the primary attacker.
Deal DMG (Salvo) Attacker DEF You will want to max DEF on these since they have low proc rates. You will need them to last long enough to activate. These cards are best used with buffers, so it reduces the need to max ATK.
Deal DMG (Multi-Hit) (7 - 10, 15 Hits) Attacker ATK The stronger versions of these cards (Halloween Hades, Heroic Gilgamesh, Kallikantzaros) all have reduced damage per hit. Maxing the attack will reduce the number of buffs needed to maximize overkill. For a max ATK 10-hit card, you will need at least 3 - 250% buffers to get capped damage.
Deal DMG (Multi-Hit) (2 - 4, 12-13 Hits) Attacker DEF The weaker versions of these cards (Moloch, Anat, Bell) all have increased damage per hit. While Maxing the attack will reduce the number of buffs needed to maximize overkill, it's not as much of a priority. You can max the DEF instead to give her time to proc, then let her have at the enemies once buffed.
DEF Down (Single)
DEF Down (All)
Support DEF These cards are almost never used for attack. They should have max DEF so they last long enough to activate.
DEF Up (Own)
DEF Up (Team)
Support DEF These cards are almost never used for attack. They should have max DEF so they last long enough to activate.
Heal (Single)
Heal (Own)
Heal (Team)
Support DEF These cards are almost never used for attack. They should have max DEF so they last long enough to activate. Heal (Own) may be the exception as she's useless unless she's attacking...
Resurrect Support DEF These cards are almost never used for attack. They should have max DEF so they last long enough to activate.
Turn Skip Support DEF These cards are almost never used for attack. They should have max DEF so they last long enough to activate.
Skill Nullify
Skill Nullify (Attack)
Skill Nullify (Non-Attack)
Support DEF These cards are almost never used for attack. They should have max DEF so they last long enough to activate.
Skill Unleash
Skill Unleash (Single)
Support DEF These cards are almost never used for attack. They should have max DEF so they last long enough to activate.
Burst Unleash Support DEF These cards are almost never used for attack. They should have max DEF so they last long enough to activate.

Reducing Cost for cards available for Awakening[]

Note: This section was written when only 1 of each arcana could be used at a time, not 10. It is still relevant for newer players wanting to save gold, but less important as the gold cost is reduced by up to 90% if applying 10 of each arcana at a time. The below gold cost calculations are assuming you are applying 1 of each arcana at a time, not 10.

If the card has an amalgamation step at the GUR stage, like Cosplay Vamp, then you will not want to follow this. Instead wait for the final form of the card (like Cosplay Vamp instead of Vamp) and apply all the arcana you want on the final GUR.

If you want to reduce Gold cost of increasing ATK and DEF for a card that can be awakened, you can apply some of the arcana before Awakening.

The best way way to save gold is to calculate the number of Arcana needed to max the GSR or GUR stats, then apply half while the card is still HSR or HUR (starting at level 1), and the other half after awakening (again starting at level 1).

For example, using a fully amalgamated Chocolatier, the ATK at level 90 is 20904. So we calculate our needs as (39999 - 20904) ÷ 50 = 381.9. This tells us we will need 382 arcana to reach the max of the higher stat (ATK) on our Chocolatier. We would then apply the first 191 to the HUR version starting at level 1. After awakening, the card resets back to level 1 again. Now we apply the remaining 191 arcana to the GUR starting at level 1.

Many cards, like Chocolatier, have different values for ATK and DEF. In these cases, calculate the upgrade count needed based on the lower stat. Start upgrading that, by itself, until the the difference is accounted for, then apply both together. The stats may still not be equal as the unawakened card may have a different stat spread than it's awakened version.

Using this method, your HUR will end up between levels 40 and 50, then your GUR will end between 40 and 50 again. The total cost for the upgrade to max stats will be between 126000 and 165000 gold depending on how often a Great Success occurs during the upgrade.

If you had waited until the GUR was at level 90 to begin the upgrade, it would cost 729120 gold to upgrade Chocolateir

If you max stats at level 89 on the GUR Chocolateir it would cost 360640 gold and should still be on level 89 upon completion. That is about 49% of the gold from a level 90 upgrade.
