Valkyrie Crusade Wiki
Name ID Timezone Comment
CW@Evan~ 3gvbt GMT-8 Not active in this event, but will kill any FAW sent. I will hunt next event.
のeru 3t45r GMT-8 Current Event Interest: High; Reciprocating F/AWK Sender & Killer, 1M+ dmg or 2 BP, Priority to FAWs & latest logins.
Applesauce 4e2iy GMT+8 Active almost all the time. Will trade / kill.
Ω GROUDON 7eyqu GMT+7 AWK, willing to spend BP to kill AW if AW isn't dead yet. Will send FAW if you'll help to kill it. If not, Top 5 user on my comrades list will be requested.


5jpr3 GMT+8 Most active on nights and whole days on weekends
FuryFAWK 7r1mj GMT-5 Active on evenings/weekends. Killing all AWs, i'll try to kill FAWs
白と黒ウサギ 2rkd2 GMT+7 trading in most event and kill aw/faw mostly active after finishing school ( 2 PM - 11PM)
[鏡]SoulEatr 33o6r GMT-5 Will be on a lot
김치 5chhx GMT+ Exams coming ahead *sigh*
BC*FAWK 5dxgh GMT+5 Will mostly kill your FAW in 1 BP, trying more if not dead. Will be sending my FAWs, if not dead, to the 5 top users in my comrade help request.
<C> Val★ON! 7argv GMT-8 Going for Rank #1 this event. Maxed HUR team, 100% kill rate. Will kill all FAW within 30 seconds of receiving it, guaranteed.
BBoYKyOFaWK 5uydv GMT-7 Will kill anything sent.  Online often will send back if AOE'd
SV.reine*STATUS* GMT+7 71hh1 im both a Trader and Killer. as a Killer here i willing to kill AW or FAW. im active about 30 minutes in the morning and full online from 17.00(Japan Time) until night about 23.00(Japan Time).Hope to see you there ^^
EddyNaruto 5diwc GMT+1 I will kill every FAW and AW with all BP needed, feel free to add me, I am active almost all day and I will send back my FAW :)
[XV]黑玫瑰 30nu4 GMT-5 Willng to kill both AWs and FAWs for you! I remember names and will also send back whenever AOE'd ^_^


84kvf UTC-5

Kill mostly anything

ヨウシン 5lclr GMT+11 Kill AW/FAW @ any hp. Will trade to traders aswell.
Foxtail 7j9th GMT-6 If I see it, I'll kill it. XD Send back occasionally to loyal senders.
Damon 35y6l GMT+7 I see I kill it and send back who send to me. Can kill as all way thank you 
n5-status 4qix1 GMT+7 This event format make it hard to be a FAW sender/trader, so I'll just help the other. Will send back when AoE'd. Don't send when my status is OFF.
Grabaxe 8cpss UTC-6 Due to current events I have BP wasting.  So send me your AW's. 
Hazel★(status) 26yeq GMT+8 FAWK. Will send back to top 5 or traders/senders within top 10. Don't send when status is OFF.
Fero@status 864m3 GMT+1 F/AWK - will kill any AW above 50 and FAW. Also online at night
Nina 5ongy GMT+8 FAW Killer i will help it take. Now need AW sender also XD
Kelerik 2w2xx GMT-5 Go HAM \o/
dfscrew 56n1p GMT+8 will spend any amount of bp to kill faw and aw. trying my best to rank, so send as many as you can. I'm just having fun.
Mystic 2qlgw GMT-5

Both FAW Killer & Trader. Looking for long term FAW Traders.

Artorias 6oh4p GMT+7

I have way too many swords, will kill all of your AWs. Active for most part of the day.


77hwu GMT-6 Primarily active during nights and weekends.
LZ☆Reika 53vqu GMT-8 Will assist if I can, active during weekends and weekday mornigs. Half killer and trader :)
Knabsi 7uiry GMT+1 I'll try to kill all Archwitches.
Bongo 6vu1w GMT+1 Enough swords, so I'll get everything for you if you send.