Valkyrie Crusade Wiki

Name ID Timezone Comment
LIdy 9vi9d GMT+8

Aiming for ~300, FAW trading

vp.kev-FAWK 9stin GMT-5

Line = kevenka

Extremely active. If I remove you from my friends list, you were leeching, not trading/sending. Only send when I have "on" status. I generally send when I'm busy and get "on" later. TY!

PlatinumTRD 2rv28 GMT+10

Super active! :D

LordGazo 8gebu GMT-5 Let´s kill them all.
Teapot 6w6hp GMT+8 Can kill FAw from 50-100% will be sending very frequently.
WP*Cost*RNK 6muqo GMT+8 you send me i send you, only full HP faw
Riko(ON)/(OFF) 5sq04 IDK I'll send you a full hp or damage FAW depends on if i have BP ill send FAWS as long as you send back some to me
Archer 9x1ga IDK

I send you , you send me. :))

PinkuRNK  87ke2 GMT+8 Rank 300~ this event. Trading full HP FAW
Joy 9lmw4 GMT+2 Recently switched from killer to trader. Will send full HP FAWs, will send back if you send me.
Yuju☆ 9i7dw GMT+2 Always sending full hp FAWs, let's have a great time slaying archwitches together! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Dark 9vfsy GMT+8

Usually able to kill FAW. Trade full/ near full hp.

Playing time: 7-12a.m, 3-11p.m

Reishi 霊視 5b9ad GMT-8 Line ID: kainzrei. Full HP only. Don't send things unless my status indicates I am in some mode of active.